On the 15th, 16th and 17th of March the Netherlands will vote for their new cabinet of government. With a lot of important issues close to us more current than ever such as climate change, the ongoing Covid19 pandemic and the continuation of institutionalized racism. We feel now more than ever, it is important to get out and VOTE!
With our youth, feeling ever more distanced and unrepresented in our present cabinet. OBEY Clothing felt it was the moment to join forces with like-minded Dutch brands; our friends at Bonne Suits, Patta, Daily Paper, TNO and POP Trading Company, Sexyland and many more all agreed. We came together to start a VOTE! campaign for the next general election.
We were active in setting up polling stations with a further reach into the local communities. Our locations include an Amsterdam Boxing Club, the Daily Paper store and various youth & community centers.
We also collaborated with the amazing Piet Parra who designed campaign posters, which will be distributed far and wide throughout the Netherlands.
In order to fund this campaign, we designed a T-shirt, which you will find under the name “STEMMEN! #NADENKEN”. Which is Dutch for ‘VOTE! #think’.
If you want to buy a T-shirt, you will receive a free print of the Campaign Poster from Piet Parra with it, Printed on A3, 180 grams paper display it loud and proud!
STEMMEN! #nadenken